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Start-up Investments

Our Collaborators

Smart Connection Consultancy is committed to re-invest back into the industry. We do this in a number of ways including philanthropy and investment into Australian start-up businesses.

Each year we seek passionate management teams that we support through a combination of capital investments, Board governance roles, mentoring and supporting growth strategies. Some of our recent investments include:


EngageRM solves the problems of disparate and disconnected data in a manner that allows sport, venues and organisations to not only keep their finger on the pulse, but to commercialise their greatest assets; their data. With offices in Europe, USA and ANZ, the business has evolved significantly over the past three years.


ActiveXchange connects the dots between data sources of sport, leisure facilities, recreation participation and membership with demographic and INSERT overlays to allow targeted strategies to be developed based on evidence and data. A global company with offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, London and Vancouver.


The best way to share bills and get help paying them. We believe this is an ideal way for people who can’t afford their own healthy lifestyles to secure funding from facilities and INSERT philanthropists to create healthier communities. We are asking for councils and service providers to be part of our pilot programs now.


LARCAN are a boutique leisure, aquatics and recreation consultancy practice that specialises in community consultation to drive change and transform the thinking of the business. Planning for generational change means you need to connect the dots between community, industry, and good practice. LARCAN specialise in this journey.